British Labour Party Papers, 1906-1969 - Volumes
7 volumes in British Labour Party Papers, 1906-1969

Minutes of the Parliamentary Labour Party, 1906-1913
These papers cover the formation and early years of the Parliamentary Labour Party, from the first meeting's minutes to the year before the First World War. Issues discussed in these minutes include the electoral enfranchisement of women and the formation of the Canadian Navy, alongside bills amending the National Insurance Act and the Trade Union Bill. Read more →

Minutes of the Parliamentary Labour Party, 1914-1920
From the Party's meeting with a deputation led by Sylvia Pankhurst, to the Great War, decisions upon conscription, and the events of 'Bloody Sunday', this period was as significant for the country as for the Party. Read more →

Minutes of the Parliamentary Labour Party, 1921-1928
In the aftermath of the First World War, international and colonial relations remained unsettled. From the King officially announcing Ireland's independence, to the question of whether British troops should remain in the Ruhr, the ongoing occupation of Iraq, and the Simon Commission's report on India. Read more →

Minutes of the Parliamentary Labour Party, 1928-1937
In the latter 1920's and at a distance from the First World War, the size of the military started to come into question as politicians wondered whether it really needed to be of such a size. In the early 1930's the rise of fascism became apparent and the Air Force increased in size, though hopes of preventing war through multilateral reductions to military forces still remained. Read more →