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Scottish Trade with Africa and the West Indies in the Early 18th century, 1694-1709

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  • Scottish Trade with Africa and the West Indies in the Early 18th century, 1694-1709
Malabar wreck on Ceylon coast. A wooden ship on choppy waters, with the coastline dotted with palm trees behind it

Papers of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies, 1694-1709

You are hereby ordered not to suffer, as far as you are able, the said company's ship The African Merchant under your command to be insulted, during your voyage, by the ships of warr of any nation
The Court of Directors of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies, Darien Papers 2 (1699-1703); img 2

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Records of Scotland's slave trade in the papers of the Darien Company, 1694-1709

An engraved illustration of the African Company House in Edinburgh, 18th century.

This collection contains the financial and administrative records of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies (also known as the Darien Company). The documents cover the period from the company’s formation in 1694 as a rival to the East India Company to its dissolution due to debts incurred in pursuit of the ill-fated Darien scheme. The latter is widely regarded as being the chief factor which gave rise to the 1707 Act of Union. 

These papers are an invaluable resource for those who wish to understand the sweeping political and economic changes which led to the creation of the British state, and the central role played by colonialism and the slave trade. 


Scottish Trade with Africa and the West Indies in the Early 18th century, 1694-1709...

Papers of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies, 1694-1709

A well-dressed plantation owner and family visiting the slave quarters in Virginia


Licensed to access Sundry other Company cash books and accounts

Includes: Cash Ledgers with indexes, Journals, Cash books and the Copy Book of Accompts. (See also the accounts of the...

Licensed to access Financial records of the Company's Glasgow Directors

The journals and ledgers of the Glasgow directors including the journal and ledger kept by Peter Murdoch.

Licensed to access Accounts and registers of subscribers, stocks and shares

Documents relating to the subscribers including: Subscription Books, Stock Journals, Receipts from Shareholders, Account of the several payments made by...

Licensed to access The Company's letter book, general journal, and general trading ledger

Includes drafts, indexes, and notes. See also 'General Ledger (Shareholders' accounts)' under Accounts and registers of subscribers, stocks and shares)....

Licensed to access The Committee of Improvements' minute book and related documents

Material relating to the Committee of Improvements in the period 1696-1700. Includes the Committee's minute book, journal and ledger.

Licensed to access The Committee of Equipping Ships' minute book and related documents

Includes the Storekeeper's book, lists of goods stored on various vessels, Ships' captains List of expenses, Accounts of ships' captains,...

Licensed to access Further miscellaneous documents relating to the Company

Miscellaneous papers and documents organised, where possible, by creation date. Includes 3 alphabetical indexes of names (possibly shareholders) and sundry...

Licensed to access Miscellaneous key documents relating to the Company's history

Tracing the history of the Darien Company through three phases: from its establishment in 1695, to the rumours of disaster,...


  • The 'Accounts and registers of subscribers…' reveal who invested in Scotland's unsuccessful slave trade. Meanwhile the 'Financial records of the Company's Glasgow Directors' show how the company made a loss.
  • Finances are the main focus of these records and the 'Accounts of ships' captains' are financial accounts for each ship rather than descriptions of their voyages.
  • The other financial accounts that form this collection cover fitting ships out, lists of goods shipped, items for the ship's store and ship building costs.
Native American warriors and their wives, arranged for a group sitting.

Licensed to access Colonial Missionaries' Papers from America and the West Indies, 1701-1870

1701   1870
Bodleian Library logo
A Missionary Ship, commanded by Captain Morgan is represented entering the bay of Huahine, one of the Society Islands in the South Pacific Ocean.

Licensed to access The West Indies in Records from Colonial Missionaries, 1704-1950

1704   1950
Bodleian Library logo
An engraving of The Mill Yard, grinding sugar cane in a windmill in 1823. A windmill on the left hand side, with people and cattle working.

Licensed to access Slavery, Exploitation and Trade in the West Indies, 1759-1832

1759   1823
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru logo
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