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The Committee of Improvements' minute book and related documents

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The Committee of Improvements' minute book and related documents

Collection: Scottish Trade with Africa and the West Indies in the Early 18th century, 1694-1709    Volumes    The Committee of Improvements' minute book and related documents
Material relating to the Committee of Improvements in the period 1696-1700. Includes the Committee's minute book, journal and ledger.
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Ledger of Committee of Improvements, 1696-1700

Ledger of Committee of Improvements (accounts of suppliers of equipment), 1696-1700. [NLS ref. Adv. Ms. 83.4.5]

Contributor:National Library of Scotland

Journal of Committee of Improvements, 1696-1700

[NLS ref. Adv. Ms. 83.4.4]

Contributor:National Library of Scotland

Minute Book of Committee of Improvements, 1696-1697

[NLS ref. Adv. Ms. 83.7.1]

Contributor:National Library of Scotland
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