Atheism and Anti-War Sentiments in the Bradlaugh Family, 1833-1948 - Volumes
5 volumes in Atheism and Anti-War Sentiments in the Bradlaugh Family, 1833-1948

Core Themes
The majority of these themes are focussed upon either Bradlaugh's Parliamentary work or his personal life. The records with regard to his Parliamentary work include official papers upon the introduction of a secular oath for MPs to take when being sworn into Parliament; official records relating to the introduction of compulsory vaccinations; addresses to Bradlaugh by the India National Congress; and details of information requests regarding the Monarchy's expenditure of... Read more →

Articles by and about Bradlaugh and Bonner
Organised first by quantity, then by geography and subject matter; this press coverage of Bradlaugh, Bonner and their work extends far beyond Bradlaugh's articles in the National Reformer. Excerpts from The Times and the Wigan Examiner are included alongside the Madras Standard, Chicago Tribune, and Liverpool Pulpit. The variety of local publications from which these excerpts are drawn, as listed in the Document descriptions, makes this group of excerpts remarkable... Read more →

General Correspondence and Papers
These items cover four different periods with regard to Bradlaugh: from birth until he left the army, Bradlaugh's political career prior to Parliament, his parliamentary career, and from his deathbed to securing his legacy. The first period, running from 1833 until 1859 includes his birth certificate and papers prior to 1849; these papers are followed by records relating to his short stay in the military. Items covering Bradlaugh's political career,... Read more →

Miscellaneous Research and Other Papers Arranged by Year
In order to campaign as actively as he did, Bradlaugh had to research the subjects he was to campaign on. The research papers retained and published here cover issues with a clear correlation to Bradlaugh's Parliamentary work. With regard to workers' rights and health he collected several papers on the effects of restricted markets on food distribution, alongside papers on the Eight Hours question, employers' liability, and the effects of... Read more →