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Atheism and Anti-War Sentiments in the Bradlaugh Family, 1833-1948 - Key Data

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Title Atheism and Anti-War Sentiments in the Bradlaugh Family, 1833-1948

Charles Bradlaugh (1833-1891) was a co-founder of the National Secular Society and Editor of the National Reformer. He was responsible for the creation of a secular oath for politicians in the 19th century after he refused to swear the ‘Oath of Allegiance’ to the British monarchy due to its religious foundation. Bradlaugh’s fight for a secular oath saw him fined, imprisoned, and re-elected four times in five years before he was allowed to take his seat in Parliament in 1886. Bradlaugh was also a keen supporter of controversial issues like Indian Home Rule, granting people access to birth control, and he also helped the Fenians to draft their manifesto. This collection of his papers largely relates to his fight for a secular parliamentary oath. 

Additionally, these records also include papers from Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner (1858–1935), the only one of Bradlaugh's children to outlive her father. Loyal to her father, she collected records of his work and fought to protect his legacy. Bonner also actively campaigned against the Boer War and the arms race prior to the First World War. Overall, the collection offers a compelling glimpse into two generations of Bradlaughs who fought for their beliefs against the grain of acceptable opinion.

ISBN 9781851172979
Contributor National Secular Society
Type collection
Format pdf
Source People & protest in Britain and Abroad, 1800-2000
Rights Digital images © 2014 Microform Academic Publishers, scanned & published with the permission of the National Secular Society. All rights reserved.
Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
Coverage 1833-1948
Volume Count 5
Document Count 62
Image Count 15,378
Born From Source
This resource digitised straight from the 'source' material i.e. directly from the original, physical archive.
Created On 18th June, 2014 - 3:59pm
Last Updated 11th December, 2024 - 9:54am

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