Miscellaneous Research and Other Papers Arranged by Year
Miscellaneous Research and Other Papers Arranged by Year
Collection: Atheism and Anti-War Sentiments in the Bradlaugh Family, 1833-1948 Volumes Miscellaneous Research and Other Papers Arranged by Year
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Miscellaneous Content Mostly Undated
Mainly containing notes and research by H. B. Bonner in relation to correcting stories about her father. Notable highlights include Bonner's own recollection of Bradlaugh and Annie Besant's trial for...
Date:1877-1877Contributor:National Secular Society

Miscellaneous Content Arranged by Year, 1890 - 1899
The papers from 1890 show that even in the year before his death Bradlaugh was doing his own research into the Vaccination Acts. The Indian National Congress were clearly moved...
Date:1890-1899Contributor:National Secular Society

Miscellaneous Content Arranged by Year, 1880 - 1889
These papers contain a focus on three research areas Bradlaugh was concerned with: on the subject of religious oaths and other state-enforced forms of worship, Bradlaugh collected an 1884 paper...
Date:1880-1889Contributor:National Secular Society

Miscellaneous Content Arranged by Year, 1860 and 1870-1879
This content includes a blank sheet of headed notepaper belonging to the Naples Colour Company Ltd from the 1860's; alongside a four page tract discussing the detrimental impact of large...
Date:1860-1879Contributor:National Secular Society