Assorted drafts of literary works
Assorted drafts of literary works
Collection: Military Tactics and the Rise of Modern Warfare, 1881-1935 Volumes Assorted drafts of literary works
These documents contain drafts dramatic criticism and press cuttings of the same dating from the latter 1890's. Other works in draft form discuss the reform of the army and the navy from 1890 to 1905.
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Assorted drafts on military reform
Assorted drafts on Army and Navy Reform, Creation of a General Staff, Defence Matters, Hartington Commission, and Mr Balfour, 1890-1905.
Date:1890-1905Contributor:National Army Museum

Dramatic criticism, 1895-1898
This document contains assorted press cuttings and drafts of S.W.'s dramatic criticism from the period, 1895-1898.
Date:1895-1898Contributor:National Army Museum