Military Tactics and the Rise of Modern Warfare, 1881-1935 - Volumes
9 volumes in Military Tactics and the Rise of Modern Warfare, 1881-1935

Germany from a military perspective 1881-1894
This file predominantly consists of correspondence from 1881 to 1894, the period preceding the Second Boer War, yet with a strangely prescient focus upon German politics and the German military. Concerns covered in these items do include volunteer recruitment and officer training; however, they also cover coverage of political affairs in Berlin, German military tactics under Moltke, literary activities (in German), correspondence from the diplomatic service on politics in European... Read more →

Correspondence upon military matters
These documents contain a clear focus upon military matters; commencing with correspondence from former Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Sir Charles Dilke, upon imperial defence. The other correspondence here is from Field Marshal Lord Nicholson and Field Marshal Frederick Roberts. Read more →

Correspondence from India and Africa
Three core themes emerge from this correspondence the first is of speeches from British office holders in India during the 1890's. The second is of correspondence relating to wars in Africa, especially South Africa, from the 1890's to the 1910's. The last is upon defence, the need to expand the armed forces and the need for the armed forces to be prepared for war. Read more →

World War One and Naval Education
The contents of this file focus upon the progress of World War One and writings on naval education. Commentary upon the war includes includes a 'Memorandum on The Principles Governing the Use of Aircraft in The Operations of War', alongside correspondence from Rt. Hon. H.H. Asquith, Lord Kitchener, and Sir John Sim. The literary works cover the subject of improving the military through reforms to naval education. Read more →