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Letters to Col. Scamwell U.S.A.

Mostly letters from S.W. to Col. Scammell, USA, 1928-35; and two from Miss Wilkinson after her father's death, 1928-1935.

Collection:Military Tactics and the Rise of Modern Warfare, 1881-1935
Contributor:National Army Museum

Bibliography of S.W.'s writings

Bibliography of Spenser Wilkinson's works, divided into the following categories: Books and Pamphlets; Magazine Articles; Articles on Hannibal; and Encyclopedia Articles, written after 1933.

Collection:Military Tactics and the Rise of Modern Warfare, 1881-1935
Contributor:National Army Museum

Press reviews of S.W.'s book 'Thirty Five Years'

Press Reviews of S.W.'s book decribing his career 'Thirty Five Years'; including commentary regarding its significance, 1933.

Collection:Military Tactics and the Rise of Modern Warfare, 1881-1935
Contributor:National Army Museum

Miscellaneous letters and Press cuttings commending S.W.'s work

Miscellaneous letters and Press cuttings containing appreciations of S.W. and his books, with commentary on various works published throughout his career, nd.

Collection:Military Tactics and the Rise of Modern Warfare, 1881-1935
Contributor:National Army Museum

Press reviews of S.W.'s publication 'Government and the War', 1918

Contains reviews discussing S.W. and his views on the role of politics in avoiding or winning wars as embodied in his publication 'Government and the War', 1918.

Collection:Military Tactics and the Rise of Modern Warfare, 1881-1935
Contributor:National Army Museum

Assorted Printed Articles and Lectures

Article on Claiments for Power in Central Africa, 1885; a lecture on The War Game, 1886; lecture on The Practical Value of the War Game, 1888; article on Lehmann's Scharnhorst,...

Collection:Military Tactics and the Rise of Modern Warfare, 1881-1935
Contributor:National Army Museum

Papers discussing Polybius' and Livy's work on Hannibal of Carthage

Papers and photographs relating to Hannibal and his march over the Alps; collated in order to illustrate S.W.'s argument regarding the historical accuracy of Polybius' and Livy's accounts of Hannibal...

Collection:Military Tactics and the Rise of Modern Warfare, 1881-1935
Contributor:National Army Museum

S.W. On attempts to secure peace through a League of Nations

Draft of lecture to Royal Institution on League of Nations, 1919; and a letter to Editor of New York World on Disarmament, nd.

Collection:Military Tactics and the Rise of Modern Warfare, 1881-1935
Contributor:National Army Museum
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