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Military Tactics and the Rise of Modern Warfare, 1881-1935 - Key Data

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  • Military Tactics and the Rise of Modern Warfare, 1881-1935

Key Data

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Title Military Tactics and the Rise of Modern Warfare, 1881-1935

This collection is drawn from the personal papers of Professor Henry Spensor Wilkinson (1853-1937) and traces the rise of modern warfare tactics through correspondence with some of Britain’s most decorated military figures. Wilkinson’s influential position as a military historian and journalist informed his correspondence with a range of military and political figures, including Prime Minister Herbert Asquith, Lord Kitchener, General Ian Hamilton, and Field Marshal William Robertson. As seen through the documents, Wilkinson discusses military strategy and events in the First World War, the Boer War in South Africa, as well as conflicts in the Balkans.

The focal point of this collection covers the ascendency of modern warfare tactics, as nations transitioned from regular armies engaging in set piece battles, to the total warfare of World War One. As such, the collection offers a vital insight into how military tactics changed to reflect growing manpower and new technologies during the early 20th century.

ISBN 9781851172801
Contributor National Army Museum
Type jpg
Format pdf
Rights Content © National Army Museum; images © Microform Academic Publishers, 2014. All rights reserved.
Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
Coverage 1881-1935
Volume Count 9
Document Count 68
Image Count 6,190
Born From Source
This resource digitised straight from the 'source' material i.e. directly from the original, physical archive.
Created On 21st February, 2014 - 2:05pm
Last Updated 9th May, 2024 - 1:58pm

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