America in Records from Colonial Missionaries, 1635-1928 - Volumes
6 volumes in America in Records from Colonial Missionaries, 1635-1928

The A series letter books, 1702-1737
This series consists of the manuscript letter books kept by the first three secretaries of the Society. Vols. 1-6 contain only in-letters; vols. 7-26 contain both in- and out-letters. The letters and papers are from and to the missionaries appointed by the SPG to the American colonies and also from the colonial governors, private persons and churchwardens there. In addition there are a few items from churches in Europe.The letters... Read more →

The B series letter books, 1702-1786
This series contains original in-letters and drafts, or copies, of out-letters. The bulk consists of letters received from the American colonies, with a sizeable number of letters sent to the colonies. Some volumes relate mainly to a particular colony, but volumes 7-20 contain general correspondence, beginning in 1738, just after the A series ends, and continuing to 1753.(Owing to the nature of the original binding of the letters and enclosures,... Read more →

The C series letters, 1635-1812
This series consists mainly of original 18th century letters from the colonies. The reason why they were kept unbound in boxes is unknown.Included in the C series are 65 letters of acknowledgement, some with instructions, from Rev. Dr David Humphreys, Secretary to the SPG, to missionaries and others, dated 1731-1733. The series also includes 80 letters dated 1758-1782, which form the bulk of the SPG's correspondence relating to Georgia.Some letters... Read more →

Published accounts of two early S.P.G. missionaries to America
Includes: (i) A journal of the travels and ministry of the Reverend George Keith; and (ii) An account of two missionary voyages by the appointment of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts : the one to New Jersey in North America, the other from America to the Coast of Guiney / by Thomas Thompson. -- London, 1758. Read more →