Published accounts of two early S.P.G. missionaries to America
Published accounts of two early S.P.G. missionaries to America
Collection: America in Records from Colonial Missionaries, 1635-1928 Volumes Published accounts of two early S.P.G. missionaries to America
Includes: (i) A journal of the travels and ministry of the Reverend George Keith; and (ii) An account of two missionary voyages by the appointment of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts : the one to New Jersey in North America, the other from America to the Coast of Guiney / by Thomas Thompson. -- London, 1758.
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Rev. Thompson's An account of two missionary voyages
Rev. Thomas Thompson (1708?-1773) was the instigator of the SPG mission to the Gold Coast, now Ghana, arriving at Cape Coast Castle in 1752. This is a facsimile the 1758...
Date:1745-1758Contributor:Bodleian Library

A journal of the travels and ministry of the Reverend George Keith
Rev. George Keith was the first missionary sent to North America by the SPG from 1702-1704. The journal, a ms. copy of which entitle Mr Keith's narrative appears as item...