Uganda Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1903-1961 - Volumes
9 volumes in Uganda Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1903-1961

Administration, 1909-1961
This volume includes a range of government reports related to administration in Uganda dated between 1909 to 1961. From the early 1900s the native authorities (and the Buganda Government) were responsible for the maintenance of certain services, with the Commissioners playing a more supervisory role in those areas. District Commissioners had from the earliest times submitted annual reports surveying district work during the previous year, but these were not published,... Read more →

Finance, 1929-1962
This volume includes a range of government reports related to finance in Uganda dated between 1929 to 1962. The Treasury Department Reports and the Credit and Savings Bank records were held within Uganda, whilst the Auditor General and his Department were accountable to the Secretary of State for the colonies. These records include a statement of the financial position of the Protectorate, the estimates of revenue and expenditure as passed... Read more →

Judicial and Police, 1912-1960
This volume includes a range of government reports related to the police and crime in Uganda dated between 1912 to 1960. The nature of the judicial authority passing judgement in Uganda depended on both the year and the location within Uganda of the offender. In the early years, African offenders were tried in native courts for most crimes, whilst non-Africans were tried under colonial laws imported from India. Circuit Courts... Read more →

Natural Resources, 1903-1961
This volume includes a range of government reports related to natural resources in Uganda dated between 1903 to 1961. The development of the natural resources of Uganda, with a view to financial self-sufficiency, was one of the primary concerns of the Protectorate Government in its early years, It is hardly surprising that one of the first departments to be established was a Botanical, Forestry and Scientific Department, which was to... Read more →