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Natural Resources, 1903-1961

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Natural Resources, 1903-1961

Collection: Uganda Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1903-1961    Volumes    Natural Resources, 1903-1961

This volume includes a range of government reports related to natural resources in Uganda dated between 1903 to 1961. The development of the natural resources of Uganda, with a view to financial self-sufficiency, was one of the primary concerns of the Protectorate Government in its early years, It is hardly surprising that one of the first departments to be established was a Botanical, Forestry and Scientific Department, which was to be the parent of the Agricultural, Forestry and Veterinary Departments. During the first decade of the century the Department experimented with crop after crop and project after project; the advice of experts from outside was sought; and reliance was placed successively, or simultaneously, upon, inter alia, tobacco, rubber, beeswax, wheat and rice. Many of the schemes proved abortive, but in their choice of cotton and coffee the Government were pre-eminently successful. By 1907/8 the value of the export of cotton amounted to £147,028 and, realising the importance of this crop, the Government appointed a Cotton Inspector and a Department of Agriculture was set up. Reports relating to various types of Land Surveys are also included within this grouping.

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Soil Conservation, 1944-1949

Soil Conservation Reports for 1944-47, 1949.

Collection:Uganda Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1903-1961
Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Hydrological Survey, 1949-1960

Annual Reports of the Department of Hydrological Survey for the Years ending 1949-60.

Collection:Uganda Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1903-1961
Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Geological Survey, 1940-1959

Annual Reports of the Geological Department for the Years ending, 1940-41, 1943-59.

Collection:Uganda Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1903-1961
Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Geological Survey, 1919-1939

Annual Reports of the Geological Department for the Years ending, 1919-30, 1925-39.

Collection:Uganda Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1903-1961
Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Mines, 1956-1961

Annual Reports of the Mines Department for the Years ending 31st December, 1956-61.

Collection:Uganda Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1903-1961
Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Survey, Land and Mines, 1945-1955

Annual Reports of the Survey, Land and Mines Department for the Years ending 31st December, 1945-55.

Collection:Uganda Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1903-1961
Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Land and Survey, 1936-1961

Annual Reports of the Land and Survey Department for the Years ending, 1936-44, 1956-61.

Collection:Uganda Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1903-1961
Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Land and Survey, 1912-1935

Annual Reports of the Land and Survey Department for the Years ending, 1912-35.

Collection:Uganda Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1903-1961
Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office
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