Uganda Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1903-1961 - Search
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Post and Telegraph, 1926-1947
Kenya Colony and Protectorate and Uganda Protectorate, Abridged Reports on the Post and Telegraph Department 1926-35, Annual Reports of the Post and Telegraph Department 1936-38, 1945-47.
Date:1926-1947Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Statistical Abstracts Uganda Protectorate, 1957-1961
Statistical Abstracts, East African Statistical Department - Uganda Unit, 1957-1961.
Date:1957-1961Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

East African Meteorological Surveys, 1946-1955
British East African Meteorological Service, Summary of Meteorological Observations in Uganda for 1946-47, 1950-55.
Date:1946-1955Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Meteorological Observations, 1923-1930
Uganda Protectorate, Meteorological Observations 1923-24, 1927-30.
Date:1923-1930Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Printing (Government Press), 1927-1961
Annual Reports on the Government Press (Printing, Stationary & "Official Gazette") for the year ended 31st December 1927-34, 1936-61.
Date:1927-1961Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Lint Marketing Board, 1955-1961
Lint Marketing Board, Annual Reports for the years ending 31st October 1955-61.
Date:1955-1961Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Coffee Industry Board, 1955-1961
Uganda Coffee Industry Board, Annual Reports for the years ending 31st October 1955-61.
Date:1955-1961Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Uganda Electricity Board, 1948-1961
Uganda Electricity Board the First to the Fourteenth Annual Report and Accounts for the years ending 31st December 1948-61.
Date:1948-1961Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office