‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’: Missionaries in Asia during the World Wars, 1914-1946 - Search
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Miscellaenous - World War One Notes and Armistice Pamphlets from 1946
This document contains the SPG House 'Spotters' Log Book (Record of air raids,enemy aircraft, 1940-1945; some notes on the SPG during the War, 1914-1918; a pamphlet about 'The completion of...
Date:1914-1946Contributor:Bodleian Library

Roll of Honour and lists of staff whereabouts, 1918-1945
These papers include the 'Roll of Honour for King and Country - SPG Headquarters Staff ' c.1918; a 'List of Missionaries in internment in the Far East during world war...
Date:1918-1945Contributor:Bodleian Library

Minutes of a Special Committee, 1939-1940
These are the minutes from The SPG Special Wartime Committee Minute Book 1939-1940. The minutes include discussion of the Society's finances, details of medical missions, records of missionaries in various...
Date:1939-1940Contributor:Bodleian Library

Singapore - Second World War, 1942-1945
These narrative accounts describe missionaries' treatment in Singpore whilst it was occupied by the Japanese army. The account by Rev. E. H. Scott includes his internment at home, in a...
Date:1942-1945Contributor:Bodleian Library

Papers from others - Notes, Report, Memo, Copy Letter, 1941-1945
These items contain a range of accounts covering aspects of the invasion of Malaysia and the interned missionaries' release. Though details of life inside the camps are scarce, references to...
Date:1941-1945Contributor:Bodleian Library

Paisley Papers, 1941-1942
These papers provide a narrative account of the missionaries' evacuation from Sarawak after it was bombed by the Japanese air force. Item number X1039, pt1.
Date:1941-1942Contributor:Bodleian Library

Assorted Correspondence 1941-1945
This correspondence contains various missionaries' accounts of internment in Japan at the outbreak of war between Japan and the allied forces. The range of accounts reveals how conditions and treatment...
Date:1941-1945Contributor:Bodleian Library

Bishop S. Heaslett's account of his war experiences, 1941-1942
The Bishop's account of his four months as a prisoner of war in Japan, having lived there prior to his arrest. From his time in a Tobe police cell, to...
Date:1941-1942Contributor:Bodleian Library