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The Bystander, 1903-1940 - Key Data

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Title The Bystander, 1903-1940

Established in 1903 by George Holt Thomas (the son of illustrator and social reformer William Luson Thomas, founder of The Graphic), The Bystander ultimately joined a series of publications belonging to The Illustrated London News (ILN). In 1940 The Bystander merged with its sister title: The Tatler. It thus became known as The Tatler and Bystander. Much like its successor, The Bystander focused on British “high society”, thereby appealing to a conservative, affluent readership. Publishing articles on fashion, theatre, and sports, this publication reflected everyday life amongst Britain’s social elite, its coverage typically defined by a suitably whimsical, satirical tone. This collection includes over 136,000 images collated from nearly 2,000 issues of The Bystander, published between December 1903 and October 1940.

The Bystander supplied light-hearted reading. Within its pages one could find the latest gossip on the aristocracy, advice on antiques, and reports on the fishing and hunting seasons. Yet it also provided a platform for some of the most influential writers and artists of the day. It published short stories by celebrated authors such as Daphne du Maurier and Hector Hugh Munro — better known by his pseudonym “Saki”  —  as well as contributions from cartoonist and humourist Bruce Bairnsfather (most notably his popular “Old Bill” cartoons about the First World War). The Bystander yields exciting material for those working in the fields of literary studies, the history of art, and social history. Much like other titles contained within British Illustrated Periodicals, 1869–1970, The Bystander reflected the racism and discrimination that pervaded British society during the heyday of the Empire. It is a rich resource for students and researchers wishing to explore the themes of colonialism, ethnicity, and race within modern history.

ISBN 9781851173686
Contributor Illustrated London News
Type collection
Format jpg
Creator Illustrated London News
Rights © Images reproduced by courtesy of Illustrated London News
Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
Coverage 1903-1940
Volume Count 38
Document Count 1,849
Image Count 122,841
Born From Source
This resource digitised straight from the 'source' material i.e. directly from the original, physical archive.
Created On 27th June, 2022 - 12:04pm
Last Updated 11th September, 2024 - 8:21am

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