British Communism through Committee Work, 1926-1992 - Volumes
12 volumes in British Communism through Committee Work, 1926-1992

Parliamentary Department, 1940-1949
Offers an insight into the parliamentary work of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB). The CPGB was represented by four different MPs during its history. This volume offers a fascinating look at the CPGB’s parliamentary activities during the peak of their political influence in the era of the Second World War. Read more →

Unemployment Committee, 1980-1981
During the era of mass unemployment during the early 1980s, the CPGB set up an ‘Unemployment Committee’ to build defend, and campaign for, those unemployed people. Read more →

Committee for the Study of the European Socialist Countries, 1977-1979
Correspondence, meeting minutes, and material relating to the Committee for the Study of the European Socialist Countries, a CPGB sub-committee dedicated to examining socialist countries behind the ‘Iron Curtain’. Against the backdrop of an increasingly eurocommunist tilt of party attitudes, the CSESC debated how to view Soviet society, history and current events within the Soviet Union and it’s satellite states. Read more →

Science and Technology Sub-Committee, 1946-1986
A sub-committee specialising in the study of science and technology, particularly in relation to the Soviet Union. For further files from the Science and Technology Sub-Committee, see our collection: Science and Marxism, 1956-1985. Read more →