British Communism through Committee Work, 1926-1992 - Search
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Parliamentary activities of William Gallacher and Phil Piratin, 1940-1949
Papers related to the parliamentary activities of William Gallacher and Phil Piratin, who were both Members of Parliament for the Communist Party of Great Britain in the post-war period. Includes...
Date:1940-1949Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material from the Communist Manifesto Centenary Committee, 1947-1948
Minutes from a meeting of the Communist Manifesto Centenary Committee in August 1947, as well as a final report on preparations for the centenary celebrations of Karl Marx’s ‘Communist Manifesto’.
Date:1947-1948Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material from the Housing Advisory Committee, 1989
Minutes from a single meeting of the Housing Advisory Committee held in March 1989. Includes discussions of the British Road to Socialism, the Housing Act 1988, housing associations, and a...
Date:1989-1989Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material from the Pensioners’ Advisory Committee, 1982
A single page of minutes from a meeting of the Pensioners Advisory Committee in 1982.
Date:1982-1982Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material from the Religious Affairs Advisory Committee, 1982
Containing meeting minutes, a programme advising the work of the committee, and a seminar on ‘Scientific Socialism and Culture’.
Date:1982-1982Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material from Social Services Committees, 1946-1989
Minutes, correspondence, and adjacent material from various social service committee’s, discussing rents, housing, and water supply.
Date:1946-1989Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Miscellaneous pamphlets on health, 1940s-1980s
Including titles such as ‘A National Health Service’, ‘A Socialised Health Service’, ‘In Search of a Chapter of Health for Free Europe’, ‘Take a Pill… the drug industry – private...
Date:1940-1989Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material from the Socialist Medical Association, 1940-1977
Articles and pamphlets including ‘Health in the Home and at Work’, ‘A Socialist View of Social Work’, ‘The Future for Dentistry’, a report from a conference on tuberculosis, ‘Dust at...
Date:1940-1977Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain