British Communism through Committee Work, 1926-1992 - Volumes
12 volumes in British Communism through Committee Work, 1926-1992 | Page 2 of 3
National Jewish Committee, 1937-1967
In the wake of rising antisemitism across Europe, the CPGB established the National Jewish Committee to examine Jewish issues across the world. The documents pay particular attention to alleged antisemitism in the USSR and Jewish suffering during the Second World War. Read more →
West Indies Committee, 1949-1957
This volume contains one document of material from the CPGB's West Indies Committee. In the post-war period, Britain received a large number of West Indian migrants who sought the opportunity to rebuild Britain after the Second World War. Despite Britain's ailing empire, much of the West Indies remained Britain's colonial subject, with many places not gaining formal independence until the 1960s. Read more →
National Race Relations Committee, 1968-1982
On the back of mass migration to Britain in the post-war period, questions arised over how best to integrate citizens of different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. The CPGB’s National Race Relations Committee riffed on this subject against the backdrop of rising racial tensions during the 1970s and 1980s. Read more →
Black Members Caucus, 1991
Contains a document referencing the 'Black Members Caucus', an attempt by the CPGB to recruit more black members whilst it underwent it's transformation into the 'Democratic Left'. Read more →