National Jewish Committee, 1937-1967
National Jewish Committee, 1937-1967
Collection: British Communism through Committee Work, 1926-1992 Volumes National Jewish Committee, 1937-1967
In the wake of rising antisemitism across Europe, the CPGB established the National Jewish Committee to examine Jewish issues across the world. The documents pay particular attention to alleged antisemitism in the USSR and Jewish suffering during the Second World War.
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Treatment of Jewish people in the USSR, 1958-1967
Material related to the ‘Commission on the Rights of Soviet Jews’, a letter to the Soviet Writers Congress, an Executive Committee statement on antisemitism and the USSR, a response from...
Date:1958-1967Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material from the Jewish Bureau, 1937-1945
An extract from a book, a report on the Middle East and Israel, alleged pro-Soviet sentiments among Jewish people, a news digest called 'Jewish In Formation', information bulletins on Jewish...
Date:1937-1945Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material of the National Jewish Committee, 1945-1967
Minutes, handwritten notes, correspondence, and other adjacent material from the National Jewish Committee. The papers discuss the existence and policies of Israel, writings on Jewish issues, discussions of antisemitism in...
Date:1945-1967Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain