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West Indies Committee, 1949-1957

West Indies Committee, 1949-1957

Collection: British Communism through Committee Work, 1926-1992    Volumes    West Indies Committee, 1949-1957

This volume contains one document of material from the CPGB's West Indies Committee. In the post-war period, Britain received a large number of West Indian migrants who sought the opportunity to rebuild Britain after the Second World War. Despite Britain's ailing empire, much of the West Indies remained Britain's colonial subject, with many places not gaining formal independence until the 1960s.

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Material from the West Indies Committee, 1949-1957

Papers of the Caribbean Labour Congress, messages and statements from affiliated groups in Jamaica, papers of the West Indian students union, discussions of colonialism and Korea, News Bulletins, copies of...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
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