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World Wars, 1863-1974

A black and white image of war plane flying in the top left. Underneath them is a tank with soldiers operating it, and to the right is a barbed wire fence.
The World Wars:Firepower & Fascism at Home & Abroad, 1863-1974 Trial Series

What's Inside

12 Collections
76 Volumes
1,282 Documents
563,087 Pages


The World Wars comprises 11 unique primary source collections, including materials as diverse as official government reports, periodical literature, and soldiers’ diaries. The featured collections touch upon all the major political, diplomatic, and military upheavals of the early twentieth century, not just in the West, but in Asia, too. Naturally, the first and second world wars are covered extensively, as is their aftermath. Unlike more traditional resources, this series encompasses many different subjects, from strategy and intelligence to the Holocaust and international law. It also explores the relationship between allies, as well as enemies.  

This series therefore provides scholars with a detailed overview of one of the most important periods in modern history, allowing them to focus on minutiae or much broader trends.  

Dates Covered



  • Bodleian Library
  • British Library
  • Cumbria Archive Service
  • Hull University Archives
  • Imperial War Museum
  • The National Archives (UK)
  • National Army Museum
  • Oxford Centre for Methodism and Church History
  • University of Warwick Modern Records Centre


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View document: FO 939/74 - Report on use of Propaganda in Internment Camps.

Licensed to access FO 939/74 - Report on use of Propaganda in Internment Camps

Contributor The National Archives
CollectionBuilding a New Germany: Denazification and Political Re-education, 1944–1948
View document: FO 939/73 - Report and Correspondence Regarding the Publication of a German History Textbook: 1517–1939.

Licensed to access FO 939/73 - Report and Correspondence Regarding the Publication of a German History Textbook: 1517–1939

Contributor The National Archives
CollectionBuilding a New Germany: Denazification and Political Re-education, 1944–1948
View document: FO 939/72 - Concentration Camp Film: Broadcast and Reactions at Internment Camps.

Licensed to access FO 939/72 - Concentration Camp Film: Broadcast and Reactions at Internment Camps

Contributor The National Archives
CollectionBuilding a New Germany: Denazification and Political Re-education, 1944–1948
View document: FO 939/70 - Instructions on Repatriation.

Licensed to access FO 939/70 - Instructions on Repatriation

Contributor The National Archives
CollectionBuilding a New Germany: Denazification and Political Re-education, 1944–1948
View document: FO 939/7 - Denazification in Germany.

Licensed to access FO 939/7 - Denazification in Germany

Contributor The National Archives
CollectionBuilding a New Germany: Denazification and Political Re-education, 1944–1948
View document: FO 939/65 - Correspondence Regarding Internment Camps Newspapers and Magazines.

Licensed to access FO 939/65 - Correspondence Regarding Internment Camps Newspapers and Magazines

Contributor The National Archives
CollectionBuilding a New Germany: Denazification and Political Re-education, 1944–1948
View document: FO 939/64 - Resettlement of Prisoners of War in Germany.

Licensed to access FO 939/64 - Resettlement of Prisoners of War in Germany

Contributor The National Archives
CollectionBuilding a New Germany: Denazification and Political Re-education, 1944–1948
View document: FO 939/63 - Broadcasting Policy at Prisoner of War Internment Camps.

Licensed to access FO 939/63 - Broadcasting Policy at Prisoner of War Internment Camps

Contributor The National Archives
CollectionBuilding a New Germany: Denazification and Political Re-education, 1944–1948
View document: FO 939/62 - Lecture Policy at Internment Camps.

Licensed to access FO 939/62 - Lecture Policy at Internment Camps

Contributor The National Archives
CollectionBuilding a New Germany: Denazification and Political Re-education, 1944–1948


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A black and white image of POWs at a re-education camp.

Licensed to access Building a New Germany: Denazification and Political Re-education, 1944–1948

Contributor The National Archives (UK) Contents 1 Volumes, 46 Documents (3,701 Pages)
The National Archives (UK) logo
Beige background with red and black lettering. There is a letter header to the Ministry of Information, stamped with a red SECRET stamp. Underneath it reads U.S. Secret Equals British Secret Confidential. Over the top of the image are various symbols depicting a code language.

Licensed to access Censorship: Policy and Practice During the Second World War

Contributor The National Archives (UK) Contents 1 Volumes, 96 Documents (17,397 Pages)
The National Archives (UK) logo
A black and white image of French, British and Italian ministers at the Paris Peace Conference.

Licensed to access Paris Peace Conference and Beyond, 1919-1939

Contributor The National Archives (UK); British Library Contents 9 Volumes, 113 Documents (52,343 Pages)
The National Archives (UK) logo
British Library logo
A barbed wire fence in the foreground, running parallel to a watch tower

Licensed to access Prosecuting the Holocaust: British Investigations into Nazi Crimes, 1944-1949

Contributor The National Archives (UK) Contents 8 Volumes, 144 Documents (180,875 Pages)
The National Archives (UK) logo
Jedburghs in front of B-24 just before night at Area T, Harrington Airdrome, England

Licensed to access Secrecy, Sabotage, and Aiding the Resistance: How Anglo-American Cooperation Shaped World War II

Contributor The National Archives (UK) Contents 11 Volumes, 222 Documents (59,215 Pages)
The National Archives (UK) logo
An image of an aircraft spotter searching the sky with binoculars during the Battle of Britain, World War 2. St. Paul's Cathedral is in the background.

Licensed to access Military Intelligence Files: Land, Sea & Air, 1938-1974

Contributor The National Archives (UK) Contents 12 Volumes, 106 Documents (73,343 Pages)
The National Archives (UK) logo
Maharaja of Patiala visits the Western Front

Licensed to access ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’: Missionaries in Asia during the World Wars, 1914-1946

Contributor Bodleian Library Contents 7 Volumes, 13 Documents (823 Pages)
Bodleian Library logo
Cartoon drawing shows a World War I veteran walking on his hands, dragging his entrails behind him. He approaches a man, who sits on a chair and leans over to give him a medal for his service as a soldier.

Licensed to access Conscientious Objection During World War 1

Contributor Hull University Archives Contents 2 Volumes, 13 Documents (6,888 Pages)
Hull University Archives logo
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