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Marked-up maps of the Middle East, 1917


  • Metadata Key Metadata Values
    Title The Collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the Partition of the Middle East, 1879-1919
    Rights Images © 2009 published by Microform Academic Publishers with permission of Sir Tatton Sykes & Hull University Archives

    This collection is drawn from the personal papers of Mark Sykes (1879-1919), a politician and diplomatic advisor famous for his role in the partition of the Middle East around the period of the First World War. He is best known for his role in the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916, which was a secret treaty between European powers that divided up the Ottoman Empire in the face of its impending collapse.

    In addition to material related to the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the papers focus on Sykes’ experience in military intelligence and diplomacy in the Middle East, both before and during the First World War. This includes touching on such historic events like the Armenian genocide as well as international debates around Zionism and the creation of a Jewish homeland. As an avid explorer, of a more personal nature are his notebooks, which offer an insight into the experience of an aristocratic traveler in the Middle East during the early 20th century.

    ISBN 9781851171507
    Contributor Hull University Archives
    Type jpg
    Format jpg
    Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
    Coverage 1879-1919
    Created On 23rd April, 2009 - 2:27pm
    Last Updated 9th May, 2024 - 12:31pm
  • Metadata Key Metadata Values
    Title Papers regarding the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the Zionist movement, and British policy in Islamic countries, 1914-1918
    Rights Images © 2009 published by Microform Academic Publishers with permission of Sir Tatton Sykes & Hull University Archives
    Description Two versions of an undated but contemporary list of the first 112 items in this series can be found in DDSY(2)/11/113.
    ISBN DDSY2-11
    Contributor Hull University Archives
    Type jpg
    Language eng
    Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
    Coverage 1914-1918
    Created On 23rd April, 2009 - 2:33pm
    Last Updated 23rd April, 2009 - 2:33pm
  • Metadata Key Metadata Values
    Title Marked-up maps of the Middle East, 1917
    Rights Images © 2009 published by Microform Academic Publishers with permission of Sir Tatton Sykes & Hull University Archives
    Archive Reference
    Description DDSY(2)/11/120: Maps of: (a) Arabia, marked up to show location and attitudes of tribes, 11 March 1917; (b) Near East, marked up to show boundaries under a modified or unmodified "Sykes agreement", by Lt. Col. H. Pirie-Gordon, [s.d.].
    ISBN DDSY2-11-120
    Contributor Hull University Archives
    Type jpg
    Format jpg
    Source Papers regarding the Sykes-Picot Agreement, etc.
    Language eng
    Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
    Coverage 1917-1917
    Created On 23rd April, 2009 - 2:36pm
    Last Updated 7th May, 2024 - 4:21pm
  • Metadata Key Metadata Values
    Title img 1: DDSY(2)/11/120 (a)
    Rights Images © 2009 published by Microform Academic Publishers with permission of Sir Tatton Sykes & Hull University Archives
    Archive Reference
    Description DDSY(2)/11/120: Maps of: (a) Arabia, marked up to show location and attitudes of tribes, 11 March 1917; (b) Near East, marked up to show boundaries under a modified or unmodified "Sykes agreement", by Lt. Col. H. Pirie-Gordon, [s.d.].
    text 36 Yenotaievskerry K DERBEND A 40° Arabs. At present Trans-Casspian Province Milli Kurds. Pro-Entente but surrounded by Turks and unable to move. Would certainly assist us if we could guarantee Northern branch of Northern Shammar. (Shaykh Ja'rullah) Enemy of the Milli Kurds but could be won over. Kurds of Sinjar (Yezidis) non-Moslem. Absolutely nti-Turk and and have been independant Southern branch of Northern Shammar. Anti-Turk and to Jibbur. Nominally pro-Turk but may be won over. Ajaimi. At war with us but lately has shown signs of defection to our side. Southern Shammar. Have lately come over to our side. Shaykh of Mohommerah. Ihm Reshid. Allied to el-Mate Ibn Saud. Under treaty obligations to Great Britain. In alliance at war with Ihn Reghid 44° ARAL 48 52° Penin 56 60' 32' C The Baba Kurd tribes. Anti-Russian but with management might join fighting side by side with Turks, because they despair of mercy from Entente powers. Leina 24 28" Kalpinaku be won over. Ibn Saud. High or S va R A Urban centres of Arab L SEA Kisliar Nationalism. 40' 36 Hachim's Anazeh. The chief is a member of the Arab party and is anti-Turk. Roala Anazeh. Under Nuri- Es-Sha'alan - pro-Entente and independant, has not enough arms. Lebanese. Pro-French. Druses of Jebel Druse. Practically independant. Absolutely anti-Turk. Beni Sakhr. Neutral at present but strongly anti-Turk. Kerak Arabs. Anti-Turk but weak. 28 24' Karakeen M them safety. since war began. Absolutely loyal. Turks - at war with Shaykh of Koweyt. Absolutely loyal. with King of Hejaz e aleb eppo 36' 32 28 NEAN B A
    ISBN DDSY2-11-120
    Contributor Hull University Archives
    Type jpg
    Format jpg
    Source Papers regarding the Sykes-Picot Agreement, etc.
    Language eng
    Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
    Coverage 1917-1917
    Created On 23rd April, 2009 - 2:36pm
    Last Updated 7th May, 2024 - 4:21pm

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Documents in this VolumeView all

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