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Liverpool Through Time: From Slavery to the Industrial Revolution, 1766-1900 - Volumes

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3 volumes in Liverpool Through Time: From Slavery to the Industrial Revolution, 1766-1900

View volume: Gore's Liverpool directory.

Gore's Liverpool directory

The first ever printed directory of Liverpool was published in 1766 by John Gore (1738-1803), "Containing an alphabetical list of the merchants, tradesmen and principal inhabitants of the town of Liverpool; with their respective addresses. Also separate lists of the Worshipful the Mayor and Common Council; Officers of the Customs and Excise; Commissioners of the Docks [...]." Initially quite irregular, it became more or less biennial from 1803 until 1870,... Read more →

  • Contributor:  Liverpool (England). Record Office
  • Reference:  71484Gore
  • Number of Documents:  81
  • Metadata: View all Metadata
View volume: Reprints of the early Liverpool directories.

Reprints of the early Liverpool directories

The first five issues of Gore's Liverpool directory were reprinted in the early 20th century. These are reproduced here with links to the images of surviving original copies. Read more →

  • Contributor:  Liverpool (England). Record Office
  • Reference:  71484GoreZ
  • Number of Documents:  5
  • Metadata: View all Metadata
View volume: Miscellaneous other Liverpool directories.

Miscellaneous other Liverpool directories

Over the years, a number of other publishers tried to emulate Gore's success but in vain, as this small group of directories, representing all those for the period held by the Liverpool Record Office, attests. Read more →

  • Contributor:  Liverpool (England). Record Office
  • Reference:  71484misc
  • Number of Documents:  7
  • Metadata: View all Metadata
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