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Military Intelligence Files: Land, Sea & Air, 1938-1974 - Volumes


12 volumes in Military Intelligence Files: Land, Sea & Air, 1938-1974

Weekly Army Intelligence Summaries, 1939-1945

This volume contains weekly intelligence summaries compiled by the War Office and British Army during the Second World War. Signed off by the General Staff and intended for the eyes of divisional commanders and above, their purpose was to: (a) provide information on the situation in Axis and Axis occupied countries; (b) deliver a frank assessment of internal resources and morale; and (c) convey the position of allied and non-aligned... Read more →

  • Contributor:  The National Archives
  • Reference:  73280A
  • Metadata: View all Metadata

Monthly Army Intelligence Summaries, 1946-1954

This volume contains monthly intelligence reports compiled by the War Office and British Army during the early years of the Cold War. Signed off by the General Staff and intended for the eyes of divisional commanders and above, their purpose was to provide information on the political, economic, and diplomatic situation across the globe. Each summary is divided into four sections—(1) Europe; (2) Middle East; (3) Far East; (4) Americas—while... Read more →

  • Contributor:  The National Archives
  • Reference:  73280B
  • Metadata: View all Metadata

Quarterly Army Intelligence Summaries, 1955-1962

This volume contains quarterly intelligence summaries compiled by the War Office and British Army during the period 1955-1962. Signed off by the General Staff and intended for the eyes of divisional commanders and above, their purpose was to provide information on the political, economic, and diplomatic situation across the globe. Each summary was published in a bound book, divided into four sections—(1) General; (2) Europe including USSR; (3) Middle East... Read more →

  • Contributor:  The National Archives
  • Reference:  73280C
  • Metadata: View all Metadata

Monthly Naval Intelligence Summaries, 1938-1939

This volume contains monthly intelligence summaries compiled by Naval Intelligence on behalf of the Naval Staff and Admiralty in the years immediately prior to the Second World War. The purpose of these summaries was to keep relevant personnel abreast of the political, diplomatic, and military situation. Although confidential (and later secret), they were intended to be read by all commanding officers and distribution was arranged as such. Each summary is divided... Read more →

  • Contributor:  The National Archives
  • Reference:  73280D
  • Metadata: View all Metadata
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