Weekly Army Intelligence Summaries, 1939-1945
Weekly Army Intelligence Summaries, 1939-1945
Collection: Military Intelligence Files: Land, Sea & Air, 1938-1974 Volumes Weekly Army Intelligence Summaries, 1939-1945
This volume contains weekly intelligence summaries compiled by the War Office and British Army during the Second World War. Signed off by the General Staff and intended for the eyes of divisional commanders and above, their purpose was to: (a) provide information on the situation in Axis and Axis occupied countries; (b) deliver a frank assessment of internal resources and morale; and (c) convey the position of allied and non-aligned actors.
The summaries include discussions about politics, economics, and diplomacy, as well as estimates of the distribution and movements of Axis forces at the divisional level. Every major theatre of war is touched upon, with the defence of British colonial territories and the use of colonial soldiers featuring heavily. Much of the commentary regarding the Far East focuses on the Sino-Japanese conflict.
Series: WO 208 (War Office: Directorate of Military Operations and Intelligence, and Directorate of Military Intelligence; Ministry of Defence, Defence Intelligence Staff).
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War Office: Weekly Intelligence, Dec 1943-Jul 1945
Weekly Intelligence Reports of the Army, Dec 1943-Jul 1945. These reports are digital copies of records held at the National Archives under the reference numbers: WO 208/2265 - WO 208/2267.
Date:1939-1945Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):WO 208/2265,WO 208/2266,WO 208/2267

War Office: Weekly Intelligence, Nov 1942-Dec 1943
Weekly Intelligence Reports of the Army, Nov 1942-Dec 1943. These reports are digital copies of records held at the National Archives under the reference numbers: WO 208/2263 and WO 208/2264.
Date:1939-1945Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):WO 208/2263,WO 208/2264

War Office: Weekly Intelligence, Jan 1942-Nov 1942
Weekly Intelligence Reports of the Army, Jan 1942-Nov 1942. These reports are digital copies of records held at the National Archives under the reference numbers: WO 208/2261 and WO 208/2262.
Date:1939-1945Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):WO 208/2261,WO 208/2262

War Office: Weekly Intelligence, Sep 1940-Dec 1941
Weekly Intelligence Reports of the Army, Sep 1940-Dec 1941. These reports are digital copies of records held at the National Archives under the reference numbers: WO 208/2258 - WO 208/2260.
Date:1939-1945Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):WO 208/2258,WO 208/2259,WO 208/2260

War Office: Weekly Intelligence, Aug 1939-Sep 1940
Weekly Intelligence Reports of the Army, Aug 1939-Sep 1940. These reports are digital copies of records held at the National Archives under the reference numbers: WO 208/2256 and WO 208/2257.
Date:1939-1945Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):WO 208/2256,WO 208/2257