Official Reports on the Conclusion of the Slave Trade in Africa, 1811-1865
Official Reports on the Conclusion of the Slave Trade in Africa, 1811-1865
Collection: Slavery Through Time: from Enslavers to Abolitionists, 1675-1865 Volumes Official Reports on the Conclusion of the Slave Trade in Africa, 1811-1865
These reports incorporate the content from three different collections: 'Report of the Commissioners on African Settlements: report on the slave trade', 1811; the 'Report of the Select Committee on the West Coast of Africa', 1842; and the 'Ord report on the West Coast of Africa', 1865. They commence with an assessment of the impact of the slave trade and the necessity of ending it. They then cover the aftermath of some slaves being released, before concluding with the financial impact of having released the slaves.
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Ord report on the West Coast of Africa, 1865
Ord was commissioned to visit the four British colonies on the West Coast of Africa and report on the financial conditions of them. The core concern of this report is...
Date:1865-1865Contributor:Bodleian Library, British Library, and others

Report of the Select Committee on the West Coast of Africa, pt 2, 1842
An appendix, index and map to accompany the 'Report of [the] Inquiry on the Western Coast of Africa, the Gold Coast and its Dependencies'.
Date:1842-1842Contributor:Bodleian Library, British Library, and others

Report of the Select Committee on the West Coast of Africa, pt 1, 1842
This Select Committee report features evidence on a range of subjects, including various colonies' commerce, the condition of their slave trades, the condition of the forts, and the fates of...
Date:1842-1842Contributor:Bodleian Library, British Library, and others

Report of the Commissioners on African Settlements: report on the slave trade, 1811
The Commissioners' report covers the latter stages of the slave trade including concerns relating to how it might be brought to an end and what might happen when it was...
Date:1811-1811Contributor:Bodleian Library, British Library, and others