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Slavery Through Time: from Enslavers to Abolitionists, 1675-1865 - Search

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View document: Misc manuscripts in the British Library's Edward Long holdings, 1663-1784.

Misc manuscripts in the British Library's Edward Long holdings, 1663-1784

This document contains Long's manuscript on the commerce of the United States with the British West Indies; official correspondence of ministers with Sir Henry Moore; a draft of 'Considerations on...

Contributor:Bodleian Library, British Library, and others
View document: Records of Flora, Fauna and Climate in Jamaica, 1770-1791.

Records of Flora, Fauna and Climate in Jamaica, 1770-1791

These records include correspondence between Edward Long and the botanist Dr Thomas Dancer from 1787 to 1791; miscellaneous observations on the climate and temperature of Jamaica from October 1760 to...

Contributor:Bodleian Library, British Library, and others
View document: Papers on the French West Indies in relation to the British West Indies, 1701-1781.

Papers on the French West Indies in relation to the British West Indies, 1701-1781

These assorted notes on the state of the French West Indian islands include information upon the population and produce of the French West Indies for 1701, 1763 and 1772. These...

Contributor:Bodleian Library, British Library, and others
View document: Items relating to the Jamaican Assembly, 1660-1702.

Items relating to the Jamaican Assembly, 1660-1702

These materials relating to the affairs of the Jamaican assembly, includes various tracts; a journal of Sir William Beeston during his stay in Jamaica between 1660 and 1680, with a...

Contributor:Bodleian Library, British Library, and others
View document: Manuscripts relating to Jamaican political affairs, 1678-1680.

Manuscripts relating to Jamaican political affairs, 1678-1680

Comprises manuscripts relating to Jamaican political affairs while Charles Howard, first Earl of Carlisle, was governor of the island, 1678-80; miscellaneous manuscripts on Jamaica, 1662-1765, including documents relating to the...

Contributor:Bodleian Library, British Library, and others
View document: Papers on Britain's trade with her colonies, 1757-1852.

Papers on Britain's trade with her colonies, 1757-1852

A range of papers discussing transportation of foreign nationals to the colonies, trade with the colonies and shipping, amongst other concerns.

Contributor:Bodleian Library, British Library, and others
View document: Statistical data on the sugar trade and plantations, 1739-1792.

Statistical data on the sugar trade and plantations, 1739-1792

Contains statistics and records relating to Jamaican plantations, alongside other statistics on Jamaica.

Contributor:Bodleian Library, British Library, and others
View document: Parliamentary debates on slavery, 1788-1792.

Parliamentary debates on slavery, 1788-1792

Debates on the future of slavery in the British Parliament and Jamaican House of Assembly.

Contributor:Bodleian Library, British Library, and others
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