Power and Profit: British Colonial Trade in America and the Caribbean, 1678-1825 - Volumes
5 volumes in Power and Profit: British Colonial Trade in America and the Caribbean, 1678-1825

Nova Scotia, 1730-1820
The Nova Scotia naval office lists have been reproduced in sequence as far as possible; however, some lists have been lost over the years and a complete range was not available. Alternative sources can supplement these lists, notably lists of shipping compiled by customs officials and those noted in the newspapers of Halifax. In wartime references to ship movements vanish from the newspapers and other sources have been sought by... Read more →

North Eastern American States, 1686-1769
These lists cover four core North Eastern American states: Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New Jersey. Each of these states had its own series of shipping lists, though time and other causes have rendered these series incomplete. The Naval Office Shipping Lists for Maryland cover from 1689 to 1764, with coverage of the ports at Annapolis, Cecil County, Patuxent and Pocomoke. The Shipping Lists for Massachusetts feature the port of... Read more →

South Eastern American States, 1689-1769
These lists cover four core South Eastern American states: Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia. Each of these states had its own series of shipping lists, though time and other causes have rendered these series incomplete. The Naval Office Shipping Lists for East Florida cover the port of St Augustine from 1764-1769. The Shipping Lists for Georgia cover the ports of Savannah and Sunbury from 1752 to 1767. While the... Read more →

Jamaica, 1685-1818
These lists cover the port of Kingston in Jamaica for the years 1685 to 1818. As with the naval office shipping lists for other colonies, the Jamaica Shipping Lists are incomplete. There are periods of years where no records are extant: 1693-96, 1701-02, 1705-08, 1716-17, 1723-25, 1731-41, 1750-51, 1758-61, 1770-81, 1789-95 and 1799-1801. Those that are included are not always present in their entirety. Customs officers were not found to... Read more →