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British Army Lists of Officers, 1740-1784 - Key Data

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Title British Army Lists of Officers, 1740-1784
Description These lists reveal where the British army regiments fought from the Seven Years War to the American Revolution. These detailed lists will assist those researching military regiments or trying to trace ancestors. The wars themselves are not covered here, but do feature in: American records in the House of Lords archive, 1621-1917. The American Revolution from a British Perspective, 1764-1783, and British Parliamentary History, 1102-1803 also cover this period. These soldiers' tours of duty include America, Antigua and Ireland, among other countries. The classes of soldier listed include officers, chaplains, adjutants, quartermasters, and surgeons. These Army lists are copies of the originals held at the Royal Artillery Insititution in London.
ISBN 9781851172986
Contributor The Royal Artillery Insititution, Woolwich
Type jpg
Format pdf
Source British Records Relating to America in Microform
Rights Digital images © 2014 Microform Academic Publishers, scanned & published with the permission of The Royal Artillery Insititution. All rights reserved.
Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
Coverage 1740-1784
Volume Count 5
Document Count 29
Image Count 6,694
Born From Source
This resource digitised straight from the 'source' material i.e. directly from the original, physical archive.
Created On 16th October, 2014 - 2:17pm
Last Updated 22nd February, 2024 - 11:47am

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