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  • Gambia Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1881-1966


Collection: Gambia Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1881-1966    Volumes    Administration
The Conferences of Chiefs chart the series of events and transferrals of powers that preceded Gambia gaining independence. Tax collection and farming are also key focal points for a colonial regime with limited resources in the Gambia. Some reports within this group include details relating to the history and geography of the Gambia as percieved in the mid twentieth century.
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Amongst the procedural details, with which these papers are laden, are details of infrastructure development that paint a picture of life in Gambia circa 1945.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Conference of Chiefs, 1955-1964

These records of conferences allow the reader to trace the progress of Gambia towards independence, as powers are transferred from the colonisers to the Gambian population. The journey towards Independence...

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Conference of Chiefs, 1944-1954

These records of conferences allow the reader to trace the progress of Gambia towards independence, as powers are transferred from the colonisers to the Gambian population. These conferences include the...

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Kombognd and Foni Province

Concerned predominently with the collection of taxes and the progress of farming that is instrumental to their tax takings; other issues such at inter-tribe politics, are a secondary concern. This...

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Upper River Province

Concerned predominently with the collection of taxes and the progress of farming that is instrumental to their tax takings; other issues such at inter-tribe politics, are a secondary concern. Providing...

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

South Bank Province

Concerned predominently with the collection of taxes and the progress of farming that is instrumental to their tax takings; other issues such at inter-tribe politics, are a secondary concern. These...

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

North Bank Province

Concerned predominently with the collection of taxes and the progress of farming that is instrumental to their tax takings; other issues such at inter-tribe politics, are a secondary concern. Prefaced...

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

MacCarthy Island Province

Concerned predominently with the collection of taxes and the progress of farming that is instrumental to their tax takings; other issues such at inter-tribe politics, are a secondary concern. Of...

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office
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