Scottish Women's Suffrage Movement, 1902-1933 - Search
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National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship, also Women and The Church
These papers cover three core concerns, the place of women's ministry in the church, the case against 'protective' legislation for women in industry, and the free distribution of information on...
Date:1924-1926Contributor:Mitchell Library, Glasgow

Glasgow Committee and Sub-Committee of the Scottish Women's Hospitals
The primary concern of these committees was the raising of funds for the local hospitals; these minutes therefore contain a clear emphasis on the methods by which funds were to...
Date:1916-1917Contributor:Mitchell Library, Glasgow

Exchange for Voluntary Workers
In 1914 the decision was made to 'suspend all suffrage work and to set aside the Constitution during the present crisis', the Society would instead focus its efforts on supporting...
Date:1914-1916Contributor:Mitchell Library, Glasgow

Women's Local Representation Joint Committee
Responsible for supporting the election of women to public office, the emphasis of these committee minutes is upon the recruitment and selection of female candidates: 'Women's Local Representation Joint Committee',...
Date:1919-1922Contributor:Mitchell Library, Glasgow

Glasgow Society for Equal Citizenship and Glasgow Women Citizens' Association
Prior to 1928, the priority of the Amalgamated Committee was the passing of the Equal Franchise bill. Following 1928, other priorities prevailed including the 'Illegitimate Children (Scotland) Bill' enabling unwed...
Date:1918-1933Contributor:Mitchell Library, Glasgow

15th - 22nd Annual Report, Glasgow Society for Women's Suffrage, 1916 - 1924
Commencing with the passage of the Representation of the People Bill, these Annual Reports chart the progress of the Society and of the suffrage cause as a whole from 1916...
Date:1916-1924Contributor:Mitchell Library, Glasgow

Letter Book for 16th January 1917 - 26th January 1918
These letters show evidence of increasing engagement with the press as judgements are made over when it is or isn't wise to write to the newspapers. Other recurring concerns include...
Date:1917-1918Contributor:Mitchell Library, Glasgow

Letter Book for 15th November 1915 - 15th January 1917
Concerns during this period included the conditions of hospitals and the men being treated in them, cheer-up clubs for soldiers' wives, and promoting the Workmen's scheme.
Date:1915-1917Contributor:Mitchell Library, Glasgow