Printed and Pictoral Records
Printed and Pictoral Records
Collection: British Diplomacy from the Unification of Germany to the Spanish Civil War, 1863-1939 Volumes Printed and Pictoral Records
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Miscellaneous writings by various authors, 1854 - 1924
Correspondence and press cuttings re. death of Lieut.-Col. Murray Cowell at Inkermann, 1854; Speeches and notes on the colonies by Lord Caernarvon, 1886 - 1887; Notebook containing various moral precepts...
Date:1854-1924Contributor:Cumbria Archive Service
Archive Reference(s):DHW8/50; DHW4/1/13; DHW8/72; DHW9/76; DHW1/55; DHW9/71; DHW9/73; DHW9/77

Assorted addresses,speeches, letters articles and forewords
Esme's letters to newspapers, articles and speeches, 1925 - 1936; and Assorted addresses, speeches and forewords, 1931 - 1936: DHW1/44 and 5/74A.
Date:1925-1936Contributor:Cumbria Archive Service
Archive Reference(s):DHW1/44; DHW5/74A

Miscellaneous printed records
Report of a Select Committee of the House of Lords on intemperance, 1879; 'The Atlantic Monthly', June 1889; 'The Licensing Proposals of the Lord Bishop of Chester', Church of England...
Date:1879-1939Contributor:Cumbria Archive Service
Archive Reference(s):DHW5/110; DHW5/128; DHW5/129; DHW5/117; DHW2/13; DHW1/58; DHW5/113; DHW8/66; DHW2/14; DHW5/130; DHW5/114; DHW1/61; DHW5/116; DHW5/119; DHW5/132; DHW5/22; DHW1/62; DHW5/121; DHW5/136a

Animal Welfare, Nature and Environment
'Education for Country Life', United States Department of Agriculture pamphlet, 1909; 'Help Pass the Protection of Birds Bill', R.S.P.C.A. Pamphlet, 1933; Publications (4) re. the preservation of the countryside by...
Date:1909-1935Contributor:Cumbria Archive Service
Archive Reference(s):DHW5/131; DHW5/134; DHW1/64; DHW1/66

Papers relating to Catholicism
Pamphlets and printed circulars re. the treatment of Catholics in Mexico, 1926 - 1927; Pamphlets on the concordat between the Papacy and Italy, 1929; 'A Short History of Catholicism in...
Date:1926-1932Contributor:Cumbria Archive Service
Archive Reference(s):DHW5/120; DHW5/126; DHW5/133; DHW5/135

West India Royal Commission
Report of the West India Royal Commission, 1897: DHW5/111.
Date:1897-1897Contributor:Cumbria Archive Service
Archive Reference(s):DHW5/111

Publications of the Baltic Institute
Publications (10) of the Baltic Institute, 1934: DHW1/63.
Date:1934-1934Contributor:Cumbria Archive Service
Archive Reference(s):DHW1/63

Psychological Warfare Division on opinion in Sicily
Survey of public opinion in Sicily 1943-1944 carried out by the Psychological Warfare Branch, Allied Force Headquarters, 1944: DHW1/67.
Date:1943-1944Contributor:Cumbria Archive Service
Archive Reference(s):DHW1/67