British Diplomacy from the Unification of Germany to the Spanish Civil War, 1863-1939 - Volumes
8 volumes in British Diplomacy from the Unification of Germany to the Spanish Civil War, 1863-1939

Personal Records
Howards's diaries follow his career through South Africa, Crete, Sweden, England, Geneva, Poland, Madrid and Versailles. Howard's other interests are in evidence here through correspondence relating to art, British politics, and the preservation of the Lake District. Correspondence on Howard's career covers his time in the military and the Ark Industrial Association. Read more →

Estate Records
The primary focus of these records is upon the development of the rubber and cocoa plantation syndicate which owned plantations in Trinidad and Tobago during the latter 19th and early 20th century. As an absentee owner, Howard corresponded with the plantation manager on a regular basis and his so doing has resulted in an archive with a rare level of detail upon the running of such plantations. Other records show... Read more →

General Letters Arranged Alphabetically
Most of this correspondence is on a wide range of topics that arose during 1936; however, some recurring themes are present. The items from assorted politicians and diplomats is readily anticipated; Howard's correspondence with poets: Hilaire Belloc, Wilfred Scawen Blunt, and Alfred Noyes, is less predictable. Read more →

General Letters Arranged by Date
General letters dated from 1867 until 1939, includes letters of congratulations to Sir Esme Howard on his elevation to the peerage. Read more →