Life on the Front Line: Diaries, News, and Letters from the First World War, 1914–1919 - Volumes
6 volumes in Life on the Front Line: Diaries, News, and Letters from the First World War, 1914–1919

Officer Diaries, August 1914–October 1919
These diaries span from November 1915 to November 1916. Thus, they document the Battle of the Somme. They also offer detailed narratives of engagements in key locations such as Beaumont Hamel, Flers-Courcelette, the Fricourt sector, Ginchy, Lesbœufs, and Le Transloy Ridges. Furthermore, the diaries focus on the conflicts around the town of Ypres between 1915 and 1917. These sources include vivid accounts from the second and third battles of Ypres... Read more →

Non-commissioned Officer Diaries, September 1914–November 1918
These diaries provide accounts of the Somme offensive and the conflicts around Ypres that were written by non-commissioned officers (NCOs). In the Ypres area, NCOs recorded details of the Battle of Passchendaele and of the fight for Messines Ridge. Accounts of the Somme include an NCO’s description of the Battle of Flers-Courcelette. An NCO's account of his experience of fighting at Bethune also features. Additionally, the diaries in this volume... Read more →

Privates' Diaries, August 1914–February 1919
These series of recollections discuss the battles around the Ypres Salient, focusing in particular upon the Battle of Passchendaele. Additionally, they provide perspectives on the Battles of Loos and Arras, and the fighting at Bethune. Several descriptions of the Somme offensive also feature. Certain information contained in this volume is less likely to be found in an Officer's diary. For example, the diaries in this volume record experiences of moving... Read more →

Civilian Diaries, May–September 1916
This volume contains the diaries of two non-combatants: an Anglican chaplain and a French civilian. The Reverend Ernest C. Crosse, served as a Church of England Chaplain to the 8th and 9th Battalions Devonshire Regiment (7th Division). Crosse records his thoughts and experiences whilst serving during the Battle of the Somme. From 30 June to 5 September 1916, he was largely concerned with the recovery of the wounded and the... Read more →