'Bray Schools' in Canada, America and the Bahamas, 1645-1900 - Volumes
7 volumes in 'Bray Schools' in Canada, America and the Bahamas, 1645-1900

Administrative records and letters of the Associates
BRAY/f These documents include minute books, letter books and account books for the Associates of Dr Bray. The minute books start with discussion of the aims of the associates, including a proposal for 'establishing a charitable colony for the better mainainance of the poor of the city of London' and plans for promoting the association through the media. Amongst the collection of minute books lie the minutes from the first... Read more →

Printed books in the archive
BRAY/Printed Books These items were intended to be used for religious guidance. The majority of these texts were published between the mid-seventeeth century and the early eighteenth century. Of particular relevance is Bray's 'Bibliotheca Parochialis...' which outlines, in a treatise addressed to 'Henry, Lord Bishop of London', why Dr Bray thought it was neccessary to establish parochial libraries in the colonies. Read more →

Rules and reports of the Associates
BRAY/REP. These documents discuss the founding ambitions of the Associates of Dr Bray and the rules of the organisation; through them it is possible to track the development of the Associates and their goals from 1757 to 1900. Points of interest include: a list of lending and parochial libraries founded by the Associates, an outline of the group's 'Designs', an abstract of their proceedings intended for public consumption, lists of... Read more →

Correspondence and records for schools in America
BRAY/N.AMERICA. Four boxes of correspondence between those in various locations within America and the Associates. The correspondence covers donations, including the substantial donation from Mr D'Allone, and purchases of land with properties to rent on it. Some items are written to public figures such as Benjamin Franklin and Mayor of London Alfred Jenner. These documents discuss schools on the east coast of the United States, ranging from Rhode Island to... Read more →