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Printed books in the archive

Collection: 'Bray Schools' in Canada, America and the Bahamas, 1645-1900    Volumes    Printed books in the archive
BRAY/Printed Books These items were intended to be used for religious guidance. The majority of these texts were published between the mid-seventeeth century and the early eighteenth century. Of particular relevance is Bray's 'Bibliotheca Parochialis...' which outlines, in a treatise addressed to 'Henry, Lord Bishop of London', why Dr Bray thought it was neccessary to establish parochial libraries in the colonies.
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Publick spirit illustrated in...Thomas Bray / by Henry J. Todd (2nd ed.). 1808.

BRAY/Printed Books/f 13. Publick spirit illustrated in the life and designs of the Reverend Thomas Bray / by Henry J. Todd (2nd ed.), 1808.

Contributor:Bodleian Library

Death made comfortable, or the way to die well / by John Kettlewell. 1708.

BRAY/Printed Books/f 12. Death made comfortable, or the way to die well. Consisting of Directions for an Holy and an Happy Death. Together with: An Office for the Sick; and...

Contributor:Bodleian Library

For God or for Satan : a sermon / preached [?] by Thomas Bray. 1708.

BRAY/Printed Books/f 11. This sermon focusses on telling the listener that to sin is to follow Satan rather than God and how important it is to spread the use of...

Contributor:Bodleian Library

Catechetical lectures / by Thomas Bray (3rd ed.). 1703

BRAY/Printed Books/f 10. Catechetical lectures / by Thomas Bray (3rd ed.) [followed in the same binding by 'A discourse of the nature, ends, and difference of the two Covenants'], 1703.

Contributor:Bodleian Library

The whole course of catechetical institution ... / by Thomas Bray. 1704-1707.

BRAY/Printed Books/f 9. The whole course of catechetical institution through three classes of catechumens : consisting of An introductory discourse to catechetical instruction; [...] / by Thomas Bray [includes the...

Contributor:Bodleian Library

A short discourse upon the doctrine of our baptismal covenant / by Thomas Bray (2nd ed.). 1700.

BRAY/Printed Books/f 8. A short discourse upon the doctrine of our baptismal covenant / by Thomas Bray (2nd ed.). 1700.

Contributor:Bodleian Library

Bibliotheca parochialis, or, A scheme of such theological Thomas Bray (2nd ed.). 1707.

BRAY/Printed Books/f 7. Bibliotheca parochialis, or, A scheme of such theological heads both general and particular. Vol. 1 / by Thomas Bray (2nd ed.) [f 6 not microfilmed as duplicate...

Contributor:Bodleian Library

Bibliotheca parochialis, or, A scheme of such theological Thomas Bray. 1697.

BRAY/Printed Books/f 5. 'Bibliotheca parochialis, or, A scheme of such theological heads both general and particular'. Designs for the foundation of parochial libraries abroad, Pt 1 / by Thomas Bray....

Contributor:Bodleian Library
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