BBC Listener Research Department Reports, 1937-c.1950 - Volumes
4 volumes in BBC Listener Research Department Reports, 1937-c.1950

Listener research weekly reports / bulletins
BBC WAC ref. R9/1: This series of reports runs from July 1940 to June 1953. Its title changed to 'Listener research bulletin' from no. 68 (30/11/1941). The bulletins summarise audience reaction figures, together with a weekly commentary. They were designed to give a summary of the information obtained each week relating to quantitative audience figures (ratings) and qualitative audience reactions, both to networks as a whole and to selected programmes.... Read more →

Listener research bulletin supplements
BBC WAC ref. R9/3: These supplements cover the period December 1945 to October 1952. Their purpose was, as stated at the head of the first one issued, because "The total number of panel reports issued each week has now increased to a point which makes it impracticable to include a list in the body of the LISTENER RESEARCH BULLETIN [BBC WAC ref. R9/1]. It is, therefore, proposed to issue a... Read more →

Audience research special reports
BBC WAC ref. R9/9: Relating to specific topics or aspects of audience behaviour between 1937 and 1950, these reports were designed to provide an analysis of the audience and their reactions to programming. The early reports and enquiries are divided by subject and filed in bound volumes. Some are related to specific programmes and are in the same format as the later Listener Research Reports, whilst others are more detailed... Read more →

General listening barometers
BBC WAC ref. R9/11 and R9/12: These reports show the numbers of listeners in England to particular radio broadcasts expressed as a percentage of the population. There are separate figures for the English regions, but Scotland and Wales are not covered until December 1939. There are no figures for Northern Ireland. A brief note of the weather is given from June 12, 1940.For more on the context of these general... Read more →