Life under Nazi Rule: Reports by Anti-Fascists in Occupied Europe, 1933-1945 - Volumes
2 volumes in Life under Nazi Rule: Reports by Anti-Fascists in Occupied Europe, 1933-1945

Germany under the Swastika, 1933-1934
MSS.159/4/330. This first newsletter, which describes conditions in Nazi Germany and, to a lesser extent, in Spain and Italy, was published in Amsterdam, apparently fortnightly between the summer of 1933 and [June] 1934. The twenty-three issues are numbered but undated. Read more →

Fascism, 1934-1945
Described as "Reports and information about the position of the workers under fascist dictatorship", according to the subtitle of an issue from 1935. Although no volume numbers are assigned for the first two years, it is clear from the first volume number (i.e. vol. IV), which appears early in 1936, that Germany under the Swastika for 1933/4 was considered Vol. I, with the editions of Fascism issued between 1934 and... Read more →