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The Political Culture of British Communism, 1920-1991 - Volumes


36 volumes in The Political Culture of British Communism, 1920-1991

Early Communist Party Congresses, 1920-1925

This volume houses documents from several of the early Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) Congresses. Read more →

  • Contributor:  Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
  • Reference:  cp-cent-cong1920
  • Metadata: View all Metadata

The Eighth National Congress, 1926

This volume hosts material from the Communist Party of Great Britain’s (CPGB) Eighth National Congress. Read more →

  • Contributor:  Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
  • Reference:  cp-cent-cong1926
  • Metadata: View all Metadata

The Ninth National Congress, 1927

This volume hosts material from the Communist Party of Great Britain’s (CPGB) Ninth National Congress. Read more →

  • Contributor:  Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
  • Reference:  cp-cent-cong1927
  • Metadata: View all Metadata

The Tenth National Congress, 1929

This volume hosts material from the Communist Party of Great Britain’s (CPGB) Tenth National Congress. Much of the focus is on the new policy of ‘Class Against Class’ disseminated to satellite parties from the Stalinised Comintern. This new line of thinking dictated that social democratic parties were just as bad as fascists in their advocation of capitalism and therefore must be resisted in the same way. Read more →

  • Contributor:  Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
  • Reference:  cp-cent-cong1929
  • Metadata: View all Metadata
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