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Early Communist Party Congresses, 1920-1925

Early Communist Party Congresses, 1920-1925

Collection: The Political Culture of British Communism, 1920-1991    Volumes    Early Communist Party Congresses, 1920-1925

This volume houses documents from several of the early Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) Congresses.

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Material from the Policy Conference at St. Pancras, 1922

This document contains information on the parliamentary function and electoral programme of the CPGB; a report from the Policy Conference; handwritten Conference notes by Palme Dutt; resolutions on the united...

Collection:The Political Culture of British Communism, 1920-1991
Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material from the Rules Conference in Manchester, 1921

This document contains material from the Rules Conference that was held in Manchester in order to establish the constitution of the Communist Party of Great Britain. The document includes a...

Collection:The Political Culture of British Communism, 1920-1991
Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material from the Second Unity Convention in Leeds, 1920-1921

This document contains material from the Second Unity Convention that was held in Leeds. You will find the official report from the initial Unity Convention; a list of resolutions passed;...

Collection:The Political Culture of British Communism, 1920-1991
Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Official report from the Communist Unity Convention, 1920

This document contains material relating to the Communist Unity Convention at which the Communist Party of Great Britain was formed. Several left-wing groups came together in the hope of forming...

Collection:The Political Culture of British Communism, 1920-1991
Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material from the Seventh National Congress, 1925

This document contains a detailed report from the Seventh National Congress, various reports from the Central Executive Committee, various theses presented to Congress, including on ‘The International and National Battlefront’,...

Collection:The Political Culture of British Communism, 1920-1991
Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material from the Sixth National Conference, 1924

A booklet of speeches and documents from Congress, a report of the Control Commission, handwritten notes on the Congress, various statements, a report of the Central Executive Committee, recommendations on...

Collection:The Political Culture of British Communism, 1920-1991
Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material from the Fifth National Conference at Battersea, 1922

This document contains a report of speeches and documents from the Sixth National Conference of the CPGB. It also contains a report by the Control Commission delivered to the Congress;...

Collection:The Political Culture of British Communism, 1920-1991
Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
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