Communism, Culture, and Society in the 20th Century - Volumes
23 volumes in Communism, Culture, and Society in the 20th Century

NCC minutes, agendas, and circulars, 1946-1976
This volume contains minutes, agendas, and circulars compiled by the National Cultural Committee during the period 1946-1976. The volume also contains a copy of the NCC’s reports to the CPGB’s 1954 Commission on the Middle Classes. Read more →

Arts and Leisure Committee, 1961-1979
This volume contains minutes, agendas, circulars, and correspondence compiled by the NCC’s Arts and Leisure Committee during the period 1961-1979. The Arts and Leisure Committee was established as an advisory committee to the NCC and aimed to ‘develop policy’ in the areas of leisure, arts and recreation and to promote progressive activity in the sphere of culture. Also included are the papers of committee member Martin Jacques and various newsletters... Read more →

Artery, 1972-1985
This volume contains correspondence between NCC secretary Betty Reid and Jeff Sawtell and others regarding the magazine Artery (March-November 1974). Artery was established in 1971 and was intended to counterbalance elitist art magazines. Artery became a forum for progressive artists and writers to challenge those concepts and to promote a socialist approach to art and culture as well as to create a bridge between artists and ordinary working people. Read more →

Personal papers of Brian Simon (i), 1940-1976
This volume contains minutes, agendas, circulars, and correspondence compiled by NCC committee member Brian Simon during the period 1940-1976. Simon was a historian and prominent member of the Arts and Leisure Committee for the CPGB. Read more →