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Communism, Culture and Society in the 20th Century - Key Data

Key Data

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Title Communism, Culture and Society in the 20th Century

This collection contains documents compiled by the Communist Party of Great Britain’s (CPGB) National Cultural Committee. The National Cultural Committee (NCC) was established in 1947 and functioned as an advisory panel for the Executive Committee. It aimed to develop policy related to the sphere of culture and the arts for the consideration of the Executive Committee.

Included in this collection are minutes, agendas and circulars from the NCC’s executive meetings, as well as a wealth of material related to its various sub-committees. This includes files from the History Group, the Music Group, the Philosophy Group, the Architects and Allied Technician Group and the Visual Arts Group, as well as adjacent journals and publications. Together, they are a valuable resource for students and scholars who are interested in communist efforts to influence British cultural and intellectual life during the 20th century.

The collection is accompanied by three contextual essays written by Professor Kevin Morgan, a senior academic at the University of Manchester.

ISBN 9781851172184
Contributor Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
Type jpg
Format jpg
Creator Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB)
Rights Content © Archive Trust of the Communist Party; images © Microform Academic Publishers, 2021. All rights reserved.
Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
Coverage 1936-1994
Volume Count 23
Document Count 145
Image Count 20,108
Born From Microfilm
This resource is a 2nd generation version of the original material, which was first reproduced on Microfilm and then subsequently digitised. As a result of this, the quality of the final image may vary depending on the quality of the Microfilm the resource was digitised from.
Created On 28th September, 2021 - 10:15am
Last Updated 9th May, 2024 - 12:39pm

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