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Debate and Division on the British Left, 1917-1964 - Key Data

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Title Debate and Division on the British Left, 1917-1964

John Thomas (J.T.) Murphy and Molly Murphy (née Morris) were a married couple who were prominent members of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) during its formative years. J.T. was expelled from the party in 1932, while Molly resigned shortly thereafter. 

This collection contains J.T.’s personal and political papers, which cover a wide range of subjects, from his imprisonment in 1925 and campaign to become a Member of Parliament to his travels in post-revolutionary Russia and disagreements with the CPGB leadership. Documents detailing Molly's time as a nurse on the frontlines of the Spanish Civil War are also included. Together, these materials provide an invaluable insight into the internal debates that plagued the British and European left during the 1920s and 1930s.   

The collection is accompanied by three contextual essays written by Professor Kevin Morgan, a senior academic at the University of Manchester.

ISBN 9781851172436
Contributor Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
Type jpg
Format jpg
Creator Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB)
Rights Content © Archive Trust of the Communist Party; images © Microform Academic Publishers, 2020. All rights reserved.
Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
Coverage 1917-1964
Volume Count 3
Document Count 12
Image Count 1,220
Born From Microfilm
This resource is a 2nd generation version of the original material, which was first reproduced on Microfilm and then subsequently digitised. As a result of this, the quality of the final image may vary depending on the quality of the Microfilm the resource was digitised from.
Created On 4th November, 2020 - 10:48am
Last Updated 11th September, 2024 - 8:35am

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