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World News in Indian Newspapers, 1782-1908 - Key Data

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Title World News in Indian Newspapers, 1782-1908

World News in Indian Newspapers brings together numerous editions of three Anglophone newspapers that were published in India during the period 1782–1908: The India Gazette (1782–1834); The Bengal Hurkaru and Chronicle (1822–1866); and The Bengal Times (1876–1908).

These newspapers appealed to colonial administrators, businessmen, and merchants, all of whom had a keen interest, naturally, in regional and international trade. Editors and reporters therefore sought to provide readers with an overview of notable political, military, economic, scientific, and social trends, as well as their potential impact upon commodities, stocks, and other investments.

Subjects covered range from the American Revolution and the Crimean War, to British parliamentary debates on the India Act of 1858. Much coverage was devoted to the industrial and pharmaceutical developments of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Suffice to say that Britain, France, India, Ireland, the United States, and China received the most editorial attention, although items regarding other nations also feature.

ISBN 9781851173488
Contributor India Office Library
Type jpg
Format jpg
Creator The India Gazette; The Bengal Hurkaru and Chronicle; The Bengal Times
Rights Images © Microform Academic Publishers, 2020. All rights reserved.
Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
Coverage 1782-1908
Volume Count 3
Document Count 106
Image Count 111,913
Born From Microfilm
This resource is a 2nd generation version of the original material, which was first reproduced on Microfilm and then subsequently digitised. As a result of this, the quality of the final image may vary depending on the quality of the Microfilm the resource was digitised from.
Created On 8th January, 2020 - 3:21pm
Last Updated 9th May, 2024 - 12:38pm

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