Apartheid Through the Eyes of South African Political Parties, 1948-1994 - Volumes
4 volumes in Apartheid Through the Eyes of South African Political Parties, 1948-1994

Papers of the African National Congress (ANC), 1919-1994
The African National Congress (ANC) was founded in 1912 to represent the interests of black and mixed-raced South Africans. From the 1940s onwards, the ANC's main goal was to bring an end to Apartheid. The party was banned in 1960, and in 1962, one of its most prominent members, Nelson Mandela, was imprisoned. This volume contains documents published by the ANC during the period 1919-1989. A small selection of papers... Read more →

Papers from the National Party and other pro-Apartheid parties, 1944-1986
The National Party was a conservative, white nationalist organisation that served as the main party of government in South Africa from 1948 to 1994. The party was responsible for establishing and maintaining Apartheid. This volume contains a selection of the party’s propaganda materials, as well as documents published by likeminded groups. Of particular interest are the papers of the far-right Herstigte Nasionale Party and Conservative Party. Read more →

Papers from anti-Apartheid parties, 1934-1987
During the latter half of the 20th century, political parties representing black, white, and mixed race South Africans campaigned for an end to Apartheid. This volume contains ephemera and other materials produced by these parties. The featured parties run the gamut from liberal groupings in the all-white parliament (i.e. Progressive Party) to extra-parliamentary groups advocating armed insurrection (i.e. South African Communist Party). Read more →

Papers from independent candidates, 1970-1987
This volume contains materials from the election campaigns of three independent candidates: Ben Dekker (anti-Apartheid, 1970); Louis Kreiner (unknown views, N.D.); Denis Worral (anti-Apartheid, 1987). Read more →