International Relations Between Britain and America, 1796-1848 - Volumes
9 volumes in International Relations Between Britain and America, 1796-1848

General correspondence, 1822-1848
According to Professor Richard Simmons, Sir Charles Vaughan was "universally liked and admired" and, as such, developed an extensive range of contacts both in America and at home. This volume contains Vaughan's general correspondence from the period 1822-1848. Topics covered include the nature of American politics, Anglo-American relations, and slavery, amongst other things. The correspondence also provides a fascinating insight into the day-to-day activities of a ranking diplomat in Washington.... Read more →

Official correspondence, 1826-1836
This volume contains Sir Charles Vaughan's official correspondence from the period 1826-1835. The bulk of the papers are concerned with practical and procedural matters. The correspondence therefore offers a useful overview of the relationship between the ambassador, the Foreign Office, and the Government of the United States. In terms of subject matter, trade and slavery feature heavily, as do Vaughan's faltering health and pension. Read more →

Summaries of dispatches, 1825-1835
This volume contains a summary of dispatches sent and received by Vaughan and the British Embassy in Washington during the period 1825-1835. The papers include dispatches sent to and received from the Foreign Office and other offices of the British and United States governments. They also contain Vaughan's correspondence with diplomats such as George Canning and Lord Palmerston. Read more →

Political correspondence, 1811-1848
This volume contains Vaughan's political correspondence from the period 1811-1848. While a wide range of subjects are covered, much of the correspondence is concerned with transatlantic trade and the question of the Canadian boundary. As with other volumes in this collection, Sir George Canning, Lord Palmerston, and the Earl of Aberdeen feature heavily. Read more →