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Critiques of England and Its Treatment of Scotland

Critiques of England and Its Treatment of Scotland

Collection: Scottish Nationalist Leaflets, 1844-1973    Volumes    Critiques of England and Its Treatment of Scotland
Many advocates of independence for Scotland have demonstrated anger towards how they perceive England to have treated them. The main causes of complaint being the British Government's apparent neglect of Scotland, a failure to differentiate between England and Scotland, long-standing stereotypes between the two countries, and an alleged failure of the Government to abide by the Treaty of Union. The way in which Scotland has been represented by the press is also raised by these pamphlets as a cause for concern.
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Critiques of the Treaty of Union, 1874-1900

Begg, James (1874) A violation of the Treaty of Union the main origin of our ecclesiastical divisions and other evils; and Erskine, Ruaraidh (19__) That which today stands roofless.

Contributor:National Library of Scotland

Commentary on coverage of Scotland, 1906-1946

Wanliss, Thomas Drummond (1906) The muckrake in Scottish history: or Mr Andrew Land Re-Criticised; and Ferguson, Duncan, pseud (1946) The Scottish newspaper press.

Contributor:National Library of Scotland

Differentiation Between Scotland and England, 1859-1971

Napier, Theodore (1896) Scotland's relationship to England past and present; Macintosh, Tom W. (1971) Is not Scotland England?; Macrae, David (c.1884) Britain, not England; Williams, Francis et al (1960) Image...

Contributor:National Library of Scotland

British Government accused of neglecting Scotland, 1854-1964

Christie, Robert (1854) Injustice to Scotland Exposed; McIntosh, Sandy, pseud (1964) England's vassal state; X, pseud (1878) On the neglect of Scotland and her interests by the Imperial Parliament; Barber,...

Contributor:National Library of Scotland
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