British relations with Spain and France, 1641-1810
British relations with Spain and France, 1641-1810
Collection: American Records in the House of Lords Archive, 1621-1917 Volumes British relations with Spain and France, 1641-1810
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Anglo-Spanish relations, 1751-1810
Petitions by merchants whose vessels were taken as prizes, preliminary articles of peace between HM and the King of Spain, peace treaties with Spain, seizure of the Falkland Islands by...
Date:1751-1810Contributor:Parliamentary Archives, UK

Anglo-Spanish relations, 1742-1743
Copies and extracts of papers from the Secretary of State relating to Rear Admiral Haddock, commander in chief in the Mediterranean. There are references to the West Indies and Spanish...
Date:1742-1743Contributor:Parliamentary Archives, UK

Anglo-Spanish relations, 1739-1741
Details of Spanish depredations, war with Spain, the Commerce with Spain Prohibition Act and a Petition of the merchants of London on behalf of themselves and the rest of HM's...
Date:1739-1741Contributor:Parliamentary Archives, UK

Anglo-Spanish relations, 1730-1738
The Treaty of Seville. A further treaty of peace, friendship and mutual defence between HM, the King of France and the King of Spain, concluded at Seville in 1729. Also,...
Date:1730-1738Contributor:Parliamentary Archives, UK

Anglo-Spanish relations, 1727-1729
Copies of correspondence between the Courts of Great Britain and Spain relative, amongst other matters, to the proceedings of Admiral Hosier's squadron in the West Indies and to the alleged...
Date:1727-1729Contributor:Parliamentary Archives, UK

Anglo-Spanish relations, 1704-1717
Various papers relating to trade, plantations, merchant ships taken as prizes, copies of treaties and the South Sea Company.
Date:1704-1717Contributor:Parliamentary Archives, UK

Anglo-Spanish relations, 1641-1660
Petitions of Joseph Hawes concerning his attempts to obtain compensation for his losses at the hands of the Spanish. Petitions of Ignacio de Landahola, Spanish merchant, concerning the ownership of...
Date:1641-1660Contributor:Parliamentary Archives, UK

Anglo-French relations, 1756-1808
Paris peace treaties, papers relating to the Navy, treatment of prisoners of war, trade with France, and war with the French fleet in the West Indies.
Date:1756-1808Contributor:Parliamentary Archives, UK